Sunday, November 8, 2009



‘男人嘛长的帅点,太抢手,不帅吧,拿不出手; 活泼点吧,说你太油,不出声吧,说你太闷; 穿西装吧,说你太严肃, 穿随便一点吧,说你乡吧佬;会挣钱吧,怕你包二奶; 不挣钱吧,又怕孩子断奶, 结婚吧,怕自己后悔;不结婚吧,怕她后悔, 要个孩子吧,怕出来没钱养,不要孩子吧,怕老了没人养。 这年头做女人难,做男人更难。’

“喜欢一个人,失去了,就像丢掉自己心爱的物品,虽然遗憾,但是不会痛  爱一个人,失去了,就会留下一个伤口,永远都会隐隐的痛”

“女人当然也有寂寞,但与男人比起来,会逊色很多。男人的寂寞是一种海或天空般的深沉与博大。女人在寂寞时,可以哭,可以找丈夫以外的男人、女人诉说。而男 人----作为男人,会知道自己肩上的担子与责任,知道自己要拥有怎样的情怀与心魄,面对寂寞学会了克制自己,就是把牙咬得流血也绝不吭一声,把时间折磨 得体无完肤也不向妻儿父母吐露半点的愁苦和伤痛。寂寞的时候风也潇潇,雨也凄凄,这时必然要饮酒直到烂醉方休。知道男人的这种寂寞后你必须原谅他的这一 切,从而让男人的思想和灵魂有一块放松之地。"


Monday, November 2, 2009

FYP submission

Sometimes, i really wish that i could be just like Bill Gate or Mark Zuckerberg...
Get away from all those exams, assignments, and my damn dull life ...Even though they weren't complete their degree....And yet their achievement is still remarkable and they are recognized as a successful people in the eye of the world.
Just hope that i can find something that meaningful as well to shed some light to my life....
The people who success in their life certainly posses a lot of passion to life...
But what is the thing that really stimulate them to have such passion?

Two days ago, i was loafing around at MPH while waiting for my friends...
Not really have the intention to read books or spend money...
Just flick through Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad...
If i was a couple year younger,
i would not be that interested in it ,
and probably it is too much vocab for me to understand the content....
But i was so keen to read it as i started the first page....
Unfortunately, I saw my friends started to leave ...
then i just put the book back on the book rack...
May be i will buy it and spend sometime to read it someday.

Today, it is the deadline for the submission of Final Year Project.
I suppose to finish it earlier than that but i failed to do so...
I had hand in the report on 5.03pm instead of 5pm.
I know it may not a big deal to others....
but it means so much to me....
I feel like i never learn the lesson from my mistake...
I had spoiled my final year presentation ....
Why i still can go easy on my report....
Or i just does not want to do it ....
i Guess it is just my laziness...

I really wanted to strike for a dean list or first class last time....
But does it mean anything to me?
Getting the deanlist does not make me happier...
I rather do something that can cheer my day than spending the whole day just for study...